Jill’s Insights: Benefits of Breathwork

Jill’s Insights: Benefits of Breathwork

“One of my favorite quotes is “Lose your mind and come to your senses” (Fritz Perls; German psychiatrist, psychoanalyst & psychotherapist). To me, this is about learning to stop letting your mind run the show and practicing being present. One effective way...
Jill’s Insights: World Bipolar Day

Jill’s Insights: World Bipolar Day

March 30 is World Bipolar Day. It is observed on the birthday of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh who suffered greatly in his lifetime from mental illness and was retrospectively diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The intention behind World Bipolar Day is to educate and...
How often should I get IV Vitamins

How often should I get IV Vitamins

Whether you’re an athlete or just trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you know the importance of vitamins and minerals. But what about when your body needs more than the standard oral multivitamin? That’s where nutritional infusions come in – a...